Onboarding guides users to connect their bank accounts via Plaid to help verify their bank accounts and eliminates the redundant process often found in other budgeting apps for users to manually add transactions.
New users are anxious about seeing overspending insights and are frustrated about the complex budget management amongst budgeting apps that causes a lack of motivation to manage financials.
Onboarding guides users to connect their bank accounts via Plaid to help verify their bank accounts and eliminates the redundant process often found in other budgeting apps for users to manually add transactions.
According to the IOS Swift Charts feature, employing a vivid, color-coded interactive donut chart can minimize the cognitive overload.
Users can select a section, which then becomes highlighted, while other sections subtly fade.
The categorization list section also allows users to easily identify and navigate through categories with minimal effort.
In the "Goals Setup" section, users have the capability to select a category they created and then choose which merchants are related to this category for their budget goals.
Users can create a new category or modify an existing one. They can personalize the category name, choose a color, and selecting an emoji for quick recognition. Users also have the option to add sub-categories under each main category.
This feature displays all transactions from user accounts connected through third party partner Plaid. It allows users to see each transaction's date, amount, and merchant, offering a clear view of financial activity. Users can sort transactions by date or amount and filter by account or type.